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Sustainable team Building in the kitchen: what it is and how it works

The concept of food team building and how it can actually improve team spirit and the company’s internal dynamics.

It literally means “building the team” through a series of cooking activities and it is an excellent way to strengthen collaboration, in a fun, stimulating and tasty way!

Team members are motivated to communicate efficiently while respecting one another, and others’ opinions and abilities.

Why is food team building successful?

Team Building works because during the cooking activity it stimulates natural and positive behaviours that are going to be internalized and carried over to the workplace.

In fact, people are more prone and receptive to absorb new stimulations when they are in a playful environment.

What do we do during a team building in the kitchen?

foto preparazione piatto team building in cucina

Solitamente l’attività comprende un mini-corso di cucina e una parte pratica in cui i membri del team mettono “le mani in pasta”, cimentandosi nella preparazione di un piatto.

L’attività creerà quindi una dinamica di collaborazione e aiuto reciproco, facendo comprendere che ogni singolo elemento può far la differenza per il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo: un gustoso piatto finale!

Food Team Building: wellbeing, fun, sustainability

This concept has a ripple effect on the job: each member’s specificity, their skills, professional and personal background are valuable assets that the team cannot do without.
Team building in the kitchen creates a bond, stimulates the sense of belonging to the group, it is engaging and it’s fun.

We prioritize cultivating enduring partnerships with local suppliers who resonate with our values, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to an ongoing journey of enhancement. Parma stands as an ideal destination: tucked away from the crowds, celebrated for its culinary delights, where age-old traditions and crafts are seamlessly handed down, and numerous local enterprises embrace circular economic models, retaining direct oversight of quality.

Our core mission revolves around delivering immersive, authentic, and eco-conscious “GREEN” experiences, all geared towards championing and disseminating optimal environmental and social sustainability practices.

The food team building is naturally sustainable as:

  • it focuses on the local area and its land, its culinary/cultural heritage, ancient crafts and traditions;
  • it generates value that is shared between the participants and suppliers/organizers;
  • it makes corporate objectives achievable and enhance the wellbeing of all team members and of the local community;
  • it involves suppliers who adopt models of circular economy and practice sustainable behaviours when providing services and throughout the entire production chain
  • promote and spread the best practices of environmental or social sustainability.

The perfect place for your Food Team Building

The fascinating city of Parma, located in the welcoming region of Emilia-Romagna, nestled between Milan and Bologna, surrounded by a land rich in food, art, music, and castles, has been declared a UNESCO Creative City for Gastronomy in recognition of its extraordinary culinary heritage: from the famous Parmigiano Reggiano and delicious Parma Ham to the exquisite Culatello di Zibello and the fragrant Fragno Truffle, and the Porcini Mushroom of Borgotaro. These culinary treasures make Parma the perfect destination for your food team building.

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